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Seat of the Murrays since the 17th century. The family took part in all of the Jacobite risings but with members on opposing sides. The castle was briefly besieged in 1689 when the pro-Jacobite Factor refused entry to Lord John...
Spectacular Castle, the home of the 5th Earl of Strathmore who supported the Jacobite cause in 1715 and who was killed at Sherrifmuir. His successor welcomed James VIII and III (the ‘Old Pretender’) to the castle in January 1716 and...
This 1.6m standing stone in the middle of an open field is said (almost certainly wrongly) to mark the spot where James Graham of Claverhouse, Viscount Dundee died of a gunshot wound during the battle of Killiecrankie on 27 July...
Scenic river gorge, part of the Killiecrankie battlefield with trails and National Trust for Scotland visitor centre. On 27 July 1689 Government troops under General Hugh Mackay emerged from the pass and faced a large force of Highlanders under John...

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